5 - Day Signature Analysis Course
Signature is the sum and substance of your public self-image. While writing a sentence, we leave on the pages our ideas and feelings. But when we leave our signature on a page, we leave our name, our self and our public identity on the page.
Signature is the most important aspect of your personality
Signature is your Identity
Signature is your Self-Esteem
Signature displays Self- Worth
Signature radiates Self-Confidence
5-Day Signature Analysis Course
Day 1: Introduction to Signature Analysis and Ascension
Understanding the concept of a signature and its significance as a personal identifier in various contexts such as legal documents, artworks, and personal correspondence
Exploring the relationship between signatures and handwriting, including similarities and differences
Examining the importance of ascension in signatures, which refers to the upward movement or placement of the signature on a page
Analyzing the implications of ascending signatures, such as ambition, optimism, and a forward-thinking mindset
Discussing the influence of signature size on personality traits, such as confidence, self-expression, and attention to detail
Day 2: Slant, Legibility, and Pressure in Signatures
Understanding the role of slant in signature analysis and its connection to emotional expression and communication style
Interpreting different slant angles, including vertical, rightward, and leftward slants, and their corresponding personality traits
Exploring legibility as a factor in signature analysis and its correlation with clarity of thought and self-confidence
Analyzing the impact of pressure applied in signatures, ranging from light to heavy, on assertiveness, intensity, and energy levels
Day 3: Zones, Connections, and Anatomy of a Signature
Delving into the concept of zones in signature analysis, including upper, middle, and lower zones, and their significance in personality assessment
Examining the characteristics and interpretations of each zone, such as intellect, emotions, and practicality
Analyzing connections between letters in signatures and their impact on relationships, including interconnectedness, flexibility, and harmony
Understanding the anatomy of a signature, significance of first name , middle name and surname in the signature
Day 4: Stem Sharing, Overlapping, Underscore, Overscore, Encircling, Dots, and Others
Exploring advanced signature analysis techniques that focus on specific elements and symbols within signatures
Analyzing the significance of stem sharing, where parts of one letter extend into or overlap with another letter, and its implications on cooperation, support, and influence
Understanding the effects of overlapping strokes in signatures, indicating integration of different aspects of one's personality
Interpreting the use of underscores, overscores, encircling, dots, and other graphical elements in signatures and their meanings in relation to emphasis, protection, creativity, and attention to detail
Examining additional unique features and symbols found in signatures and their interpretations in the context of personality traits and behavioral patterns
Day 5: Signature Analysis of Participants - Reading, Analyzing, Correction, Q&A
Providing participants with the opportunity to have their signatures analyzed by the instructor
Reading and interpreting participants' signatures to assess personality traits, self-perception, and behavioral tendencies
Analyzing the findings and discussing the implications for personal and professional growth
Offering guidance and recommendations for signature corrections, if desired or necessary, to align with personal goals and aspirations
Conducting a question and answer session to address participants' queries, clarify concepts, and explore further applications of signature analysis
Summarizing the key principles, techniques, and topics covered during the 5-day signature analysis course
Encouraging participants to continue practicing and refining their signature analysis skills through continued observation and analysis
Emphasizing the importance of ethical considerations and maintaining confidentiality when analyzing signatures
Providing participants with resources, references, and suggested readings for further study and exploration in the field of signature analysis
Who should attend this course?
Everyone who signs - success is the birthright of everyone
Customer Interaction - Know about your customer what your customer will never tell you.
HR - In recruitment - know your candidate even before meeting them.
Sales and Marketing - Client dealing becomes so much easy, know your client and prepare accordingly.
Occult Professional - No remedy works better than a correct Signature.
Marriage, Love, Friendship, Relationships, and in every human interaction correct signature analysis tells you what the person does not want to tell. Know what's in the mind of another person.
Feedback of previous courses
"I wish to express that the methodology taken and way the intrinsic details are elaborated are worth appreciating, we got clarity on how impactful can be one's signature on his life and way we can re program us for success with change in signature.
Thank u for this guided workshop and insight.
Nikkett Kapur 🙏"
"One of the unforgettable experience of the life.
Way of Teaching is Ausome .
covered all the small points which was necessary.
Got to know lot of things regarding signature .
Have already started giving consultations to my Near and Dear ones.
All credit goes to you sir
Thank you so much.🙏🙏"
"Sir Thank u so much for teaching this technique
I am doing predictions and people are very happy n amazed too that how come I knw about them
Got the energy exchange too🙏
"Each and Every point which you shared gonna help us now and forever 💯
I'm really very grateful joining this course ❤️
Much Positivity 🙌
I really can't thank you Enough ❤️
Lots and lots of happiness n lights to uh n ur family sir 💖with regards:Sheeba Verma.."
"Tankuh so so so much sir..I got vie gud feedbackS of signature reading 🙏all credit goes to uh sir..💐😇
"Sheeba dii you are osum😃........I feel highly energetic just to talk to you.if I need some guidance you are always be here,with me.Now I know the importance of signature....I will amend it and I am sure about this I will be successful under you guidance and lots of love. I am very lucky becouse I have a mentor like you. Thank you dii❤" - When student gets testimonial
Saurabh Avasthi
Saurabh Avasthi is an Advanced Life Coach and the only Astrologer in the country who practices Psychological Astrology.
He has coached and trained thousands in the field of Astrology, Graphology and is the most sought-after teacher of Vedic Numerology.
He is a Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and a Certified Hypnotist.
He is currently pursuing his research in neurocognitive behavior and neuroplasticity and its relationship with one's horoscope.
He has been instrumental in transforming the lives of many individuals through possibility mindset training, converting their biggest fears into their biggest strengths.
After a successful career in Sales and Marketing spanning over two decades with companies like Colgate Palmolive, Vodafone, Hindustan Times and Askmebazaar he decided to follow his passion and calling.
He with his wife Meenakshi Awasthi are the founders of Astrometry.
Start Date & End Date
Total Classes
1 Subject
5 Learning Materials
130 Courses • 2725 Students
Saurabh Avasthi is an Advanced Life Coach and the only Astrologer in the country who practices Psychological Astrology.
He has coached and trained thousands in the field of Astrology, Graphology and is the most sought-after teacher of Vedic Numerology.
He is a Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and a Certified Hypnotist.
He is currently pursuing his research in neurocognitive behavior and neuroplasticity and its relationship with one's horoscope.
He has been instrumental in transforming the lives of many individuals through possibility mindset training, converting their biggest fears into their biggest strengths.
After a successful career in Sales and Marketing spanning over two decades with companies like Colgate Palmolive, Vodafone, Hindustan Times, and Askmebazaar he decided to follow his passion and calling.
He also runs a Data Analytics company by the name pdobia. ( predictive date of birth insights and analytics)
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